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Desert and Arid Zone
ContentsPreface PART I1. Desert Plant Physiology1. Introduction2. Tropical Desert Ecosystem2.1 Etymology2.2 Climate3. Physiography of Tropical Deserts3.1 Landscapes and Landforms3.2 Hydrological Cycle3.3 Desert Features3.4 Vegetation3.5 Plant Morphology3.6 Water Storage4. Physiology of Arid Plants4.1 Germination and seedling behaviour of dese..
Feeding and Management of Livestock...
Feeding and Management of Livestock During Drought and Scarcity..
Agricultural Drainage water Managem...
Agricultural Drainage water Management in Arid and Semi-arid areas..
Feeding and Management of Livestock...
Feeding and Management of Livestock During Drought and Scarcity..
Remote Sensing : Principles and App...
Remote Sensing : Principles and Applications (2 Ed.)..
Combating Desertification Land Degr...
Combating Desertification Land Degradation and Climate Change: Management of Drylands..
Arid Legumes for Sustainable Agricu...
Arid Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture and Trade Vol.2..
Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Metho...
Salinity Tolerance in Plants: Methods, Mechanisms and Management 2nd Ed..
Sustainable Development of Dryland ...
Sustainable Development of Dryland Agriculture in India..