Waves and Wave Forces on Coastal an...
Waves and Wave Forces on Coastal and Ocean Structures..
Stability and Safety of Ships Vol 1...
Stability and Safety of Ships Vol 1: Regulation and Operation (PB)..
Seafood Industry: Species Products ...
Seafood Industry: Species Products Processing and Safety 2nd edn..
Sea Change in Linear Shipping: Regu...
Sea Change in Linear Shipping: Regulation and Managerial Decision making in a Global Industry..
Science Technology Synergy for Rese...
Science Technology Synergy for Reserach in the Marine Environment: Challenges for the Twenty First Century..
Operational Oceanography: Implement...
Operational Oceanography: Implementation at the European and Regional Scales..
Oceanic Processes in Marine Polluti...
Oceanic Processes in Marine Pollution Vol 2: Physicochemical Processes and Wastes in the Ocean..
Ocean Disposal of Radioactive Waste...
Ocean Disposal of Radioactive Waste by Penetrator Emplacement..
Numerical Methods in Atmospheric an...
Numerical Methods in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling..
Natural Disasters and How We Cope: ...
Natural Disasters and How We Cope: Volcanoes Tsunamis Fires Hurricanes Floods Droughts Diseases Avalanches..
Molecular Evolution and Population ...
Molecular Evolution and Population Genetics for Marine Biologists..