Postharvest Management
Postharvest Management
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Prevention of Postharvest Food Loss...
Prevention of Postharvest Food Losses: Fruits Vegetables and Root Crops..
Managing Postharvest Quality and Lo...
Managing Postharvest Quality and Losses in Horticultural Crops 2nd Revised edn..
Value Addition of Horticultural Cro...
Value Addition of Horticultural Crops: A Handbook for Rural Foodpreneurs..
Underutilized Plant Species (Acta H...
Underutilized Plant Species (Acta Horticulturae 1241)..
Quality Management of Fresh Cut Pro...
Quality Management of Fresh Cut Produce (Acta Horticulturae 1209)..
Production and Processing of Litchi...
Production and Processing of Litchi Longan and Rambutan..
Processing and Value Addition of Fr...
Processing and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables..