Python for the Life Sciences: A Gen...
Python for the Life Sciences: A Gentle Introduction to Python for Life Scientists..
Python for Teenagers: Learn to Prog...
Python for Teenagers: Learn to Program like a Superhero!..
Python for SAS Users: A SAS-Oriente...
Python for SAS Users: A SAS-Oriented Introduction to Python..
Python Data Analytics: With Pandas ...
Python Data Analytics: With Pandas NumPy and Matplotlib 2nd edn..
Python Data Analyst’s Toolkit: Lear...
Python Data Analyst’s Toolkit: Learn Python and Python-based Libraries with Applications in Data Analysis and Statistics..
Python Challenges: 100 Proven Progr...
Python Challenges: 100 Proven Programming Tasks Designed to Prepare You for Anything..
Programming Basics: Getting Started...
Programming Basics: Getting Started with Java C# and Python..
Practical Python Data Visualization...
Practical Python Data Visualization: A Fast Track Approach To Learning Data Visualization With Python..
Practical Python AI Projects: Mathe...
Practical Python AI Projects: Mathematical Models of Optimization Problems with Google OR-Tools..
Practical Docker with Python: Build...
Practical Docker with Python: Build Release and Distribute Your Python App with Docker 2nd edn..
Practical Data Science with Python ...
Practical Data Science with Python 3: Synthesizing Actionable Insights from Data..
Numerical Python: Scientific Comput...
Numerical Python: Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy SciPy and Matplotlib 2nd edn..
Modelling Hydrology Hydraulics and ...
Modelling Hydrology Hydraulics and Contaminant Transport Systems in Python..