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Agriculture Soil Science
Concepts of Soil and Soil Survey
In the ever-evolving field of agronomy and environmental science, the study ofsoil and its composition presents an essential cornerstone upon whichsustainable agriculture and land management are built. This book, "Soil and SoilSurvey," is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of soils, their surveys, and theprofound impact they h..
Concepts of Soil and Soil Survey
In the ever-evolving field of agronomy and environmental science, the study ofsoil and its composition presents an essential cornerstone upon whichsustainable agriculture and land management are built. This book, "Soil and SoilSurvey," is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of soils, their surveys, and theprofound impact they h..
Structure and Organic Matter Storag...
Structure and Organic Matter Storage in Agricultral Soils..
Steam and Electroheating Remediatio...
Steam and Electroheating Remediation of Tight Soils..
Soil Vapor Extraction Using Radio F...
Soil Vapor Extraction Using Radio Frequency Heating: Resource Manual and Technology Demonstration..
Soil Science: Environmental and App...
Soil Science: Environmental and Applied Aspects Vol 3..
Soil Science: Environmental and App...
Soil Science: Environmental and Applied Aspects Vol 2..
Soil Science: Environmental and App...
Soil Science: Environmental and Applied Aspects Vol 1..
Soil Science Treatise: For SAUs Ent...
Soil Science Treatise: For SAUs Entrance JRF SRF NET and ARS (Prelims and Mains) 3rd edn (PB)..