Search - Mrs. Jhunilata Bhuyan, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Pandey
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Advances in Zoology, Environmental ...
Advances in Zoology, Environmental Degradation and Biodiversity..
Agriculture 4.0 Precision and Autom...
Agriculture 4.0 Precision and Automated Ag. Technologies..
Agriculture at a Glance: An Enhance...
Agriculture at a Glance: An Enhanced Competition Explorer 23rd Revised edn..
Biodiversity and Bioprospects: Indi...
Biodiversity and Bioprospects: Indian Senario and Perspective..
Biointensive Approaches: Applicatio...
Biointensive Approaches: Application and Effectiveness in Plant Disease Management..
Biointensive Approachess: Applicati...
Biointensive Approachess: Application and Effectiveness in the Management of Plant Nematodes, Insects and Weeds..
Biological Control of Crop Diseases...
Biological Control of Crop Diseases: Recent Advances and Perspectives in 2 Vols..