Search - Kachroo, Jyoti, Naveed Hamid
Consumer Perception & Buying Behavi...
Consumer Perception & Buying Behaviour: Handbook of Online Grocery and Frozen Foods Cases..
Customer Relationship Management in...
Customer Relationship Management in Agri-Business: A Case of Agri-Business Retailers..
Impact of Digitalization on Indian ...
Impact of Digitalization on Indian Economy: An Economic View..
Transforming Agriulture Using Artif...
Transforming Agriulture Using Artificial Intelligence: Roadmap towards Atma Nirbhar..
Handbook on Agri-Business Managemen...
Handbook on Agri-Business Management Cases An Illustrative Approach..
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Emplo...
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) A Visionary Model for Rural Development in Present Era..
Ramification of Packaging on Consum...
Ramification of Packaging on Consumers' Buying behaviour (Case of Ready to Eat Food Products)..
Rhythms of Life: The Early Fiction ...
Rhythms of Life: The Early Fiction of Margaret Drabble..