Protection and Disease management
Protection and Disease management
Grid View:
Crop Pest Management: At a Glance (...
Crop Pest Management: At a Glance (for Agricultural Competitive Exams)..
Cocoa: Its Botany Cultivation Chemi...
Cocoa: Its Botany Cultivation Chemistry and Diseases..
Botanical Pesticides in the Managem...
Botanical Pesticides in the Management of Postharvest Fruit Diseases..
Biotechnological Approaches for the...
Biotechnological Approaches for the Integrated Management of Crop Diseases..
Biotechnological and Biorational Ap...
Biotechnological and Biorational Approaches for Pest and Disease Management..
Biointensive Approaches: Applicatio...
Biointensive Approaches: Application and Effectiveness in Plant Disease Management..