Search - Srivastava R. P.
Digital Teaching Methodology and Te...
Digital teaching technologies refer to the use of digital tools and resources ineducational settings to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Thesetechnologies have become increasingly important in modern education, as theyoffer numerous benefits, such as improved engagement, personalized learning,and access to a wide range of educational mate..
Text Book On Non-Timber Forest Prod...
This book has been designed with 15 chapters which covers the scope, importance and status of NTFPs, important Non-Timber Forest Products viz., fibre and flosses, gums and resins, tannins and dyes, essential oils, TBOs, lac and shellac, medicinal plants and drugs, spices and edible fruits, bamboos, grasses and canes, bidi leaves, dona making, anima..
Environmental Management in Coal Mi...
Environmental Management in Coal Mining and Thermal Power Plants..
Environmental Pollution & Managemen...
Environmental Pollution & Management of Wastewaters by Microbial Techniques..
The Encyclopaedia of Business and R...
The Encyclopaedia of Business and Risk Management (4 Vols.)..