Search - Bhagat, D.
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land and Water Resource conservatio...
land and Water Resource conservation: Issues, Options and Experiences..
Micropropagated Plants: Production ...
Micropropagated Plants: Production and Establishment (Acta Horticulturae 1224)..
National Service Scheme: A Youth Vo...
National Service Scheme: A Youth Volunteers Programme for Under Graduate Students as Per UGC Guidelines 1st Semester..
Social Stratification and Mobility ...
Social Stratification and Mobility in a Developing Indian City..
Spices and Condiments Origin, Histo...
Spices and Condiments Origin, History and Applications..
Status of Social Sciences in the Ve...
Status of Social Sciences in the Vernacular Languages in North East India..
Sustaining Crop and Animal Producti...
Sustaining Crop and Animal Productivity: The Challenge of the Decade..
Underutilized Plant Species (Acta H...
Underutilized Plant Species (Acta Horticulturae 1241)..