Search - Bhamburkar, Vitthal R.
A Dictionary of Mosses
This Dictionary provides a means of quickly determining the family in which any genus of mosses is placed. since names treated as synonyms, many orthographic variants and the names for genera which are accepted as taxonomic entities are included the dictionary should prove a useful curatorial tool.In the Dictionary of Mosses proper the ..
Biotechnology of Microbes and Susta...
Biotechnology of Microbes and Sustainable Utilization..
Guide to Laboratory Establishment f...
Guide to Laboratory Establishment for Plant Nutrient Analysis..
Indira's Objective Agricultural Bio...
Indira's Objective Agricultural Biotechnology 2nd. Ed : MCQ for Agricultural Competitive Exams..
Medical Ayurvedic Dictionary (Hindi...
Medical Ayurvedic Dictionary (Hindi-Hindi-English-English)..
Practical Manual on Basic Agronomy ...
Practical Manual on Basic Agronomy (With Theory) 2nd Revised Ed...