Search - Sreenivasaiah, P V
Nutrient Management Practices in Cr...
Technological advancement has opened new vistas for producing more food and other agricultural commodities from less land. Intensive cultivation practices have become order of the day, as a means of feeding the growing population. During Past three decades, food/crop production had increased due to the use of high yielding varieties and enhanced co..
Concepts of Soil and Soil Survey
In the ever-evolving field of agronomy and environmental science, the study ofsoil and its composition presents an essential cornerstone upon whichsustainable agriculture and land management are built. This book, "Soil and SoilSurvey," is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of soils, their surveys, and theprofound impact they h..
Renewable Energy: Concepts, Technol...
Afforestation of Arid Lands
1 Performance of Various trees species in canal side plantations of I.G.N.P stage II in western Rajasthan2 Watershed Management in river valley project areas of Rajasthan3 Afforestation of arid lands with special reference to Gujarat4 Forest Development in Kachchh (Gujarat)5 Notes on afforestation of arid lands of Kachchh district in Gujarat state6..
Text Book On Non-Timber Forest Prod...
This book has been designed with 15 chapters which covers the scope, importance and status of NTFPs, important Non-Timber Forest Products viz., fibre and flosses, gums and resins, tannins and dyes, essential oils, TBOs, lac and shellac, medicinal plants and drugs, spices and edible fruits, bamboos, grasses and canes, bidi leaves, dona making, anima..