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Structural and Stress Analysis: Theories Tutorials and Examples Second edn..
Structural Analysis of Polymeric Composite Materials 2nd edn..
Strategic Planning Execution and Measurement (Spem): A Powerful Tool For Ceos..
Strategic Data Warehousing: Achieving Alignment With Business..
Statistics For The Life Sciences..
Statistics and Experimental Design for Toxicologists 3rd edn..
Statistical Regression and Classification: From Linear Models to Machine Learning..
Statistical and Thermal Physics: An Introduction..
Standard Operating Procedures In Vitro Toxicology..
Spectroscopy (Atomic and Molecular)..
Solution Techniques For Elementary Partial Differential Equations - 3rd Ed..
Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction 4th edn..
Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction 3rd Edn..
Soil Chemistry 3rd edn (PB)..
Soil Behavior and Geomechanics..