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Sabjiyaan: Anauvanshik Sampada Upyo...
Sabjiyaan: Anauvanshik Sampada Upyog evam Prabandhan (Hindi)..
Quality Management in Postharvest S...
Quality Management in Postharvest Systems (Acta Horticulturae 1179)..
Principles and Practices of Seed Pr...
Principles and Practices of Seed Production of Vegetable Crops..
Postharvest: Ethical and Technologi...
Postharvest: Ethical and Technological Issues in 3 Vols ( Acta Horticulturae 1194 )..
Plant Breeding in Horticulture (Act...
Plant Breeding in Horticulture (Acta Horticulturae 1127)..