Political Science
Political Science
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Glimpses of Indian National Congres...
Glimpses of Indian National Congress: From Inception to Attainment of Freedom (1885-1947)..
Ethnicity in Manipur: Experiences I...
Ethnicity in Manipur: Experiences Issues and Perspectives..
Emergency Excesses: A Daylight Robb...
Emergency Excesses: A Daylight Robbery of Human Rights and JP- The Saviour (Rev. edn)..
Emergency Excesses: A Daylight Robb...
Emergency Excesses: A Daylight Robbery of Human Rights and JP- The Saviour (Rev. edn)..
Commissions and Omissions in the Ad...
Commissions and Omissions in the Administration of Justice..
Commissions and Omissions By Indian...
Commissions and Omissions By Indian Prime Ministers in 2 Vols..
Coming Out of Violence: Essays on E...
Coming Out of Violence: Essays on Ethnicity Conflict Resolution and Peace Process in North East india..
2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Study of t...
2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Study of the Pre-emptive Use of Force and Just War..