ISBN 9788196913762
Availability: In Stock
  • Author Dr. T. Rajendran
  • Year 2024
  • Bound Paperback
  • Page 243
  • Language English
  • Country Of Origin India

Item specifics

  • Author Dr. T. Rajendran
  • Year 2024
  • Bound Paperback
  • Page 243
  • Language English
  • Country Of Origin India

Product Description

This book contains an inclusive dealing of Agricultural Marketing

Trade and Prices with the topics utilized both comprehensive

of graphical and table format. Unit 1 are dealt with Agricultural

Marketing-Nature and Scope Unit 2: Marketing Functions, Pricing

and Promotion strategies Unit 3: Marketing Efficiency and Marketing

Institutions - CWC, SWC, FCI and DMI - their objectives and

functions; cooperative marketing in India; Market Intelligence-Legal

measures for improving agricultural marketing: APMC Act. New

EXIM policy of India-Advantages of AEZs, ITPO, Export Promotion

Councils, APEDA, MPEDA, and Commodity Boards.

Unit 4: Trade in Agricultural Products - Barriers to Trade: Tariff

and non-tariff barriers-Trade policy instruments-Terms of Trade-

Role of institutions like UNCTAD and GATT - WTO in promoting

trade in agricultural products-Free Trade Agreements - AoA and

its implications on Indian agriculture: Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary

issues, Market Access, Domestic Support and Export Subsidies - IPR.

Unit 5: Agricultural Prices and Risk Analysis - Agricultural Prices

and Policy: Meaning and functions of price; administered prices;

need for agricultural price policy; Objectives of Price Policy and

Price Stabilization-Role of CACP - Concept of MSP, FRP [SMP] and

SAP-Price Parity-Procurement of food grains and buffer stock-Risk

in marketing: Meaning and Importance-Types of risk in marketing:

Speculation and Hedging and Forward and Futures trading; an

overview of futures trading; Role of Contract Farming in risk


Individual chapters are largely self-contained and the book is

more suitable for instruction at a variety of levels depending on the

precise needs of the teacher and the under graduate as well as post-

graduate students in agriculture.

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