Search - Agrawal, Vipin
Agri Entrepreneurship: Challenges a...
Agri Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities..
Production Technology of Underexplo...
Production Technology of Underexploited Vegetable Crops..
Trends & Prospects in Food Science ...
Trends & Prospects in Food Science & Processomg Technology..
Trends and Prospects in Food Scienc...
Trends and Prospects in Food Science and Processing Technology..
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of...
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of Horticulture and Plant Propagation..
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of...
Practical Manual on Fundamentals of Horticulture and Plant Propagation..
Prakaritik Jal: Strot Pradushan eva...
Prakaritik Jal: Strot Pradushan evam Sanrakshan (Hindi)..
Sabjiyo ki Unnat Kheti Evam Paudh S...
Sabjiyo ki Unnat Kheti Evam Paudh Sanrakshan Tatha Sabjiyo ki Tudai Uparant Prabhandhan..
Vegetable Science at a Glance For I...
Vegetable Science at a Glance For ICAR, JRF, SRF, NET and other Competitive Exams..
Vegetable Science at a Glance For I...
Vegetable Science at a Glance For ICAR, JRF, SRF, NET and other Competitive Exams..